Types of Concessions (Eng/Hindi)

Types of Concessions

Concession to Blind persons:-

1. Concession will be granted on producing copy of certificate issued by Registered Medical Officer      or Civil Surgeon or Principal of Blind School / College.

2. During travel, passenger must possess original certificate

3. Validity of certificate is 5 years from date of issue.

4. 50% concession is granted to Blind person travelling alone or with escort in AC first class & AC        two tiers and 75% concession in other classes.

5. During vacations, blind pupils in group but not less than four, free ticket for one escort in the same      class for every two pupils is issued, after taking permission from Sr. Divisional Commercial                Manager.

6. Season tickets will be issued to the blind person and escorts on 50% concession.

7. 25% Concession will be granted with escort in Rajdhani & Shatabdi trains in AC III & ACCC            class.

Concession to the Handicapped Person

1. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Orthopaedic  Surgeon or Civil          Surgeo

2. The passenger is required to carry the original certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate from date of issue -

a. Temporary disability - 5 years.

b. Permanent disability -

i. Age up to 25 years - 5 years.

ii. Age from 26 years to 35 years - 10 years.

iii. Age more than 35 years – Life long.

4. 50% concession is granted to handicap person travelling with or without escort in AC first class &       AC two tier and 75% concession in other classes.

5. Season ticket on 50% concession will be issued.

6. 25% Concession will be granted with escort in Rajdhani & Shatabdi trains in AC III & ACCC            class.

7. Escort is not mandatory.

Concession to the Mentally Retarded person

1. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Doctor of Government Hospital.

2. The passenger is required to carry the original certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate is 5 years from date of issue.

4. 50% concession is granted to mentally retarded person travelling with or without escort in AC first      class & AC 2-tier and 75% concession in other classes.

5. Season ticket on 50% concession will be issued.

6. 25% Concession will be granted with escort in Rajdhani & Shatabdi trains in ACIII & ACCC              class.

7. During vacations, mentally retarded pupils in group but not less than four, free ticket for one                escort  in the same class for every two pupils is issued, after taking permission from Sr. Divisional      Commercial Manager.

8. Escort is not mandatory Concession to the T. B. Patient

1. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Medical Officer of Government         Hospital.

2. The passenger is required to carry original certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate is 3 months from date of issue.

4. 50%concession is granted to T.B. patient travelling alone or with escort in AC -First class / AC 2        tier / First class and & 75% in other classes.

5. Concession will be given for periodical check-up for outward and return journey.Concession to the      Heart Patient / Cancer Patient / Thalassemia / Kidney Transplantation.

1. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by a Medical
    Officer of Recognized Hospital.

2. The passenger is required to carry true copy of certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate is 3 months from date of issue but in case of cancer patient, it is valid for 01       year.

4. 50% concession in AC first class and AC two tier is granted to Heart Patient  / Cancer Patient /             Thalassemia / Kidney Transplantation person travelling with escort

5. 75% concession in other classes is granted to Heart Patient / Thalassemia / Kidney Transplantation       person travelling with escort.

6. 100% concession will be granted to Cancer patient alone in AC 3-tier & Sleeper class and 75%            concession will be granted to escort.

7. Heart patients will be granted concession for surgery and to cancer patient for travelling from              residence to hospital and return journey.

8. Concession will be granted for Kidney Transplantation or Dialysis to Kidney Patients.
    Concession to [Allopathic Doctor

1. This concession is granted to Doctors holding MBBS or higher degree.

2. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Medical Council.

3. Doctor should declare that he will render a free service to the passenger in train, if required.                Declaration is issued by Railways.

4. Medical Kit should be available during the course of journey.

5. The berth numbers is shown with “+” sign, in the reservation chart.

6. 10% concession will be granted in all trains and classes. Concession to Non- infectious Leprosy           Patient

1. Concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Doctor of  Government Hospital.

2. The passenger is required to carry original certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate is 3 months from date of issue.

4. 75% concessions will be granted in First class, Sleeper class and IInd class.

5. Facility of escort is not given.

6. Concession will be granted for outward and return journey, for periodical checkup.

Concession to Widow of Defence Personals / IPKF Personals / Kargial shaheeds.

1. Concession will be granted on production of copy of Identity card issued by Defence Ministry.

2. 75% concession will be granted in sleeper class and IInd class.

3. Facility of attendant is not given.

[Concession to the Widows of Policemen killed in action against Terrorists and Extremists]

1. Concession will be granted on production of copy of Identity card issued by
     Superintendent of Police.

2. 75% concession will be given in sleeper class and IInd class.

3. Facility of attendant is not given.

Concession to the Deaf and Dumb Person

1. Concession will be granted to a person, who is deaf and dumb both, alone or with attendant, on            production of certificate issued by Doctor of Government Hospital.

2. The passenger is required to carry copy of the original certificate while travelling.

3. Validity of certificate is 5 years from date of issue.

4. 50% concessions in First class / Sleeper class and IInd class will be granted.

5. Season tickets will be issued to deaf and dumb persons alone or with attendant
    on 50% concession.

Student Concession -

1. Concession will be granted to students of school or college during the vacations to their native            place and return journey or for journey from examination centre and back. 

2. Student of General Category up to the age of 25 years, SC/ST category up to age of 27 years and        Research scholars up to age of 35 years are eligible for concession.

3. Concession will be given on production of certificate issued by Principal or Head

Student Concession Certificate -

1. Student concession order book will be issued to Principal or Head Master by Divisional                      Commercial Manager on demand.

2. To procure this book, an application along with six specimen signatures of  Principal or                        Headmaster should be sent to Divisional Commercial Manager’s office. One specimen will be            kept in Divisional Commercial Manager’s office as record, second will be sent to Accounts office,      and the remaining four will be sent to the Station Master, from where student starts their outward        journey.

3. The student concession order book will be sent to the Principal / Headmaster.

This is a numbered book and each page contains three parts.

(a) Record 

(b) Railway 

(c) Student.

4. Railway and Student foil will be handed over to the student for purchasing concession ticket.

5. Separate forms for outward and return journey will be issued.

6. Both concession forms will be presented to the Station Master of Outward journey station for              verification of the signature of Head Master / Principal. Station Master will tally the signature of        Head Master / Principal and after the verification of specimen signature; the station master will            sign on it along with station stamp.

7. On production Railway and Student foil in the booking office, concessional ticket
    will be issued.

8. Booking clerk will write all particulars of ticket on the both foils with stamp and

9. Student foil will be given back to the student and Railway foil will be sent to the Traffic Account        Office along with balance sheet at the end of the month.

10. Validity of student concession order is 14 days for outward journey and 120
      days for return journey.


1. 50% concession will be granted in IInd and sleeper class.

2. For SC/ST students, 50% concession will be in concessional fare for students.

3. For every group as indicated below, one Teacher / Professor / Office staff of the same educational        institution travelling as escort is allowed to travel at 50 % concession in sleeper class and 
    Ind class :

a. Four girl students of any age and boy students under age of 12 years

b. Ten boy students of the age of 12 years and over.

c. Five physically handicapped students of 12 years and over.

4. 50% concession will be given in first class and IInd class season tickets.

[Concession to Senior Citizen -

1. A male persons whose age is 60 years or above & Female whose age is 58 years or above will be        treated as Senior Citizens.

2. 40% concession will be given to male senior citizens and 50% concession to female senior                  citizens  in all types of trains (including Rajdhani / Shatabdi / Jan- Shatabdi Exp) and in all                  classes.

3. Concession is granted on C.P. sections as well.

4. Certificate need not be produced at the time of obtaining ticket. But the same should be produced,      if demanded during Journey.

5. If passenger is unable to produce the certificate, the difference of fare along with excess charge            will be recovered.

6. If senior citizen quota is misused by the passenger, then he will be treated as without ticket and            charged accordingly.

7. On more than journey of 1000 Km, concession will be given on Circular journey tickets.

 Concession to Haemophilia Patients -

1. 75% concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by Medical Officer of 
    Recognized Hospital in AC 3 tier, AC Chair Car, Sleeper and IInd Class.

2. Concession will be granted while travelling alone or with an escort.

3. Concession will be granted for outward and return journey, for check-up and

[Concession to Aplastic Anaemia Patients -

1. 50% concession will be granted on production of certificate issued by officer in charge of                     recognized hospital in AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, AC Chair Car, Sleeper.

2. Concession will be granted for outward and return journey, for check-up and

Concession to Teachers awarded on Teachers Day -

1. Teachers are honoured with National Award by the President of India for their outstanding work           on  Teachers day.

2. An Identity Card is issued to them by the District Education Officer.

3. On production of copy of Identity Card, 50% concession is granted in Sleeper
    and II Class.

Concession to Unemployed Youth -

1. Concession is granted to unemployed youth upto the age of 35 years for attending personal                  interview for jobs in Public Service Commission, Offices of Central / State Government,                      Government Undertakings, Municipal Corporations and Public Sector Banks, when travelling              expenses are borne by the candidates.

1. 50% concession in Sleeper class and 100% concession in IIndClass will be granted on base fare.

2. The attested copy of Call Letter received for interview, in which date and place of interview is            mentioned, should be produced.

[Concession to Scouts and Guides -

1. When the Scouts and Guides are travelling in a group of atleast 4 for a distance of more than 300        kms, then concession order will be issued by DCM on production of certificate issued by Scout          and  Guide Department, duly countersigned by Secretary / Commissioner of the National                    Headquarters or Commissioner of District Headquarters / State Headquarters.

2. 50% concession will be granted in Sleeper and IInd class, on production of  concession order i             the booking office.

[Concession to Mid-wife and Trained Nurse -

1. Concession will be given to trained nurses / midwifes or nurses / midwifes undergoing training in        recognized hospitals or Nursing Institutes while proceding  on leave or on duty.

2. On submission of certificate issued by Civil Surgeon / Principal of Government Hospital or                  Principal of an Institution recognized by Civil Authorities in Divisional Commercial Manager’s          Office, concession order will be issued.

3. 25 % concession will be granted to the nurse / midwife in Sleeper and IInd class on production of        concession order in the booking office.

Concession to Teachers Travelling in Group

1. Teachers travelling on educational tour in a group of minimum 4 for a distance of more than 300         km. will be granted 25% concession in Sleeper and IInd class.

2. On submission of certificate issued by Head Master / Principal/ District Inspector of Schools /            District Education officer in Divisional Commercial Manager’s Office, concession order will be          issued.

3. Concessional ticket will be issued on production of concession order in the booking office.

4. Concession will be granted to one attendant on every 10 teachers.

[Concession to Farmers -

1. Farmers travelling to visit National Projects, Industrial and Agricultural Exhibitions, in a group of      minimum 20 for more than 300 kms. will be granted 25% concession is given in Sleeper / IInd            class.

2. On submission of certificate issued by District Magistrate in Divisional Commercial Manager’s          Office, concession order will be issued.

3. Concessional ticket will be issued on production of concession order in the booking office.

4. When full train is booked by farmers, 33% concession will be granted.

[Concession to Youths -

1. Concession is granted to youth travelling in a group of minimum 5 of age 15 to 35 years.

2. The concession order is issued by Divisional Commercial Manager’s office.

3. 25% concession is given in Sleeper/IInd class.

4. This concession will be granted when the youths are traveling to participate in camps.

Concession to Sport Persons -

1. This concession is granted to Sports persons for participating in sports events.

2. 75 % concession will be granted in Ist, Sleeper and IInd class for participating in International            level tournaments.

3. 75% concession will be granted in Sleeper, IInd class and 50% in Ist class for participating in               National level tournaments.

4. 75% concession will be granted in Sleeper and IInd class for participating in State level                        tournaments.

5. On submission of certificate issued by Sport Secretary in Divisional Commercial Manager’s                Office, concession order will be issued. Concessional ticket will be issued on production of                  concession order in the booking office.

Concession to National Bravery Award Recipient Children -

1. The children who are awarded by national bravery award on Republic day is given this concession.

2. The copy of identity card issued by the Welfare Inspector Institution should be produced.

3. The children up to the age of 18 years can travel free in Sleeper/IInd Class.

4. A guardian is given 50% concession in Sleeper/IInd Class with the child.

[Concession to Students studying in Rural Area – 75% concession in IInd class once in a year for study tour is given Concession to Students Learning in Rural Area.

Concession to Farmers / Milk Producers -

1. Concession is given to farmers, who are visiting national level agriculture institutions for training.

2. Concession is given to milk producers, who are going for training in Dairy institutions of national      level for and going for information regarding dairy farming.

3. 30% concession is given in IInd class. Concessions to the Aids patients - 50% concession will be given only in IInd class for going up to retroviral therapy centre from home and back. Certificate is should be issued by the doctor of retroviral therapy centre recognized by railway administration. There is no Distance restriction. Facility of attendant is not given.

Concession for Press Correspondents:

IRCA coaching Tariff No. 26, Part I, Vol. Rule No. 244-245

1. Photo identity cards will be issued to accredited press correspondents from nominated stations,            which will be valid for 2 years from the date of issue.

2. A certificate issued by press information bureau / other competent authority (District P.R.O /               Collector) on pro-forma prescribed by Railway administration and one self-attested photo should         be  produced to concerned Station Master.

3. SM will check the above documents and forward them to CRS for issue of identity card.

4. All details of issued identity cards will be fed into PRS and their periodical records will be                  maintained by CRS.

5. At the time of booking press correspondents will have to produce a photo copy of photo identity          card, on the basis of which 50% concession will be granted in all trains and classes including              Rajdhani / Shatabdi express. (Exception– Garib Rath, Duranto, Yuva Trains, Season Ticket)

6. At the time of booking original identity card will be verified.

7. Apart from base fare all other charges will be collected as per rules.

8. Spouse of press correspondent or dependent children upto 18 years of age or companion will also        be given the benefit of this concession twice in a financial year. For this he should give a                      declaration in specified format at the time of booking.

9. Photo identity card will be non-transferable.

Privilege Ticket Order (PTO) -

1. PTO will be issued in favour of the railway employee and their family members.

2. 4 sets of PTOs are issued to every railway employee per year.One set of PTO contains one                  outward  and one return journey PTO.

3. Tickets will be issued on collection of 1/3 of the base fare according to class.

4. Concession will be given for all classes.

5. All rules of fully paid fully paid ticket holder e.g. break journey/ cancellation
    rules etc.

6. Other charges like Reservation Charge, Supplementary Charges, Development Surcharge, are not        applicable to PTO ticket holders. 

7. If name station is written the column of station master then it can be en-cashed only at mentioned        station on PTO, Indian Railway is written in the column of  station master then it can be en-cashed      at station on Indian railway.

8. Validity of PTO is 5 months from the date of issue.

9. Class in which the Employee entitled to travel on privilege pass, PTO will be issued for the same        class.

[Concession to Technicians of Regional Film Industry (wef. 01/07/10)

1. Concession will be admissible in all trains except Duronto, Yuva and Garibrath

3. Concession is not admissible Season ticket, Circular Journey ticket, Suburban and Ordinary trains.

4. The element of concession will be 50% in First class, AC- II tier, AC-III tier and AC Chair car and       75% in Sleeper Class.

5. 31 Regional Film Industries are notified for the purpose of concession.

6. Concession will also be admissible to technicians of Hindi Film Industry.

7. The Producer will prepare a list of technicians indicating Name, I/D card No. and name of the              Employee Association to which technician is affiliated, will be submitted to the Association in the      pro-forma prescribed by Railway.

8. Concession order will be issued after receiving the list, forwarded by the President or Secretary of      the association to DCM Office.

9. Concessional ticket will be issued after producing concession order at Booking Office.

10. Original Identity card should be carried during journey.

Special Concession -

1. Apart from the above mentioned concessions, the concessional orders issued by Sr. DCM office          are known as special concessions.

2. On these concessions, concession particulars are written with rules on the basis of which                       concession are given.

3. The concessions orders are issued in duplicate. After writing all particulars of the ticket on both          the foils, one will be handed over the passenger and another will be sent to traffic accounts office        along with returns.


Write in Detail

1. General rules of concession.

2. Student concession book.

3. PTO.

Write in short notes

1. Concession to blind persons.

2. Concession to mentally retarded persons.

3. Concession to Senior Citizens.

4. Concession to deaf and dumb persons.


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Types of Tickets (11) Ticket (10) Refund on Fare (9) Passenger Amenities (5) Traffic Accounts (5) Duties & Responsibility (4) Public Facilites (4) Demurrage Charge (3) Reservation Tickets (3) 4.021 विषेष रियायत (2) Commercial (2) Commercial Department (2) Duronto Express (2) Functions of Commercial Department (2) General Rules of Reservation (2) Indrail Pass (2) Military Traffic (2) PPP (2) Parcel Booking (2) Passenger Amenities/ Citizen Charter (2) Public Private Partnership (2) Rajdhani Express (2) Shatabdi Express (2) TTE /TC (2) Tatkal Tickets (2) Ticket Fare (2) grant of refund (2) 0.1 INDEX - COMMERCIAL GUIDE - Coaching (1) 0.2 INDEX - Commercial Guide - Goods (1) 01.03 जन शिकायत - कारण निवारण/ शिकायत करने की पद्धतिया / जन शिकायत निवारण तंत्र (1) 01.06. Courtesy (1) 01.09. IRCTC IRCA (1) 01.12 सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम 2005: (1) 02.01 न्युनतम किराया (1) 02.03 युवा गाड़ियो का किराया (1) 02.04 मासिक / सीजन टिकट के न्युनतम किराये (1) 02.07 समायोजित दूरी (1) 02.08 संयुक्त किराया (1) 02.09 कोचिंग यातायात हेतु संदर्भ पुस्तके (1) 03.01 टिकट की परिभाषा/कागज़ी टिकट/ छपे कार्ड टिकट एवं प्रकार (1) 03.02. Types of Tickets (1) 03.11 हैण्ड हेल्ड टर्मिनल (एच.एच.टी) (1) 03.12 मोबाइल तथा लैपटॉप पर टिकट बुकिंग (1) 04.-03 सुबिधा टिकट आदेश - (PTO) (1) 05.12 आरक्षण में परिवर्तन के नियम (1) 07.05 टी . टी . ई / कंडक्टर के कार्य (1) 07.05. Alarm Setting/ Causes of Irregular Travel and its prevention (1) 07.06 वेक अप अलार्म 139 रेलवे इन्क्वारी सेवा आयव्हिआर से (1) 07.06. Cash Remittance by TTE/ Handling Over Memo / MP Travel detail / TCR/ TC Return/ Loss of EFR (1) 07.07 अनियमित यात्रा के कारण (1) 07.07. Irregular Travel/ Excess Fare and Excess Charge (1) 07.11 टीटीई द्वारा रेलवे आये को जमा करना (1) 07.12 हँडिंग ओवर मेमो/ EFT/EFR का खो जाना/ टी सी रिटर्न्स/टीसीआर (1) 07.13 संसद सदस्यों द्वारा की गई यात्रा का विवरण (1) 07.14 जमा किये गए टिकटों का रजिस्टर एवं निपटारा (1) 07.15 अनियमित यात्रा (1) 07.17 बिना बुक सामान (1) 08.01 यात्रा सामान/ रेल-प्रशासन का उतारदयित्व (1) 08.01. General Rules/ Free Allowance/ Maximum Dimension of Luggage/ Articles not accepted as luggage/ Articles carried free. (1) 08.02 सामान बुकिंग क नियम (1) 08.02. Booking of Bulky Articles/ Booking of Television / invalid chairs/ comfortable cot/ etc / Musical Instruments/ Tricycle (1) 08.03 सामान में एक पैकेज का अधिकतम वजन और परिमाप (1) 08.03. Booking of vehicles/ Booking of livestock/ Luggage summary (1) 08.04 सामान में अस्वीकृत वास्तुऐ (1) 08.05 परिमाप से पैकेज का वजन प्राप्त करने की पध्दति (1) 08.06 स्थूल वस्तुओं की बुकिंग (1) 08.07 यात्री कक्ष में बीमार यात्री के साथ छोटे ऑक्सीजन सिलिंडर की बुकिंग (1) 08.08 टेलीविज़न की बुकिंग (1) 08.09 कंप्यूटर की बुकिंग (1) 08.10 विभिन्न प्रकार के पत्थरों की मूर्तियों की बुकिंग (1) 08.11 बच्चो की ट्रइसिकिल की बुकिंग (1) 08.12 सभी कोटि के अपंग व्यक्तियों से कुर्सिया / गाडिया की बुकिंग (1) 08.13 न मुडने वाली चारपाई की बुकिंग (1) 08.14 पहिये वाली गाड़ीयो की बुकिंग (1) 08.15 सामान सारांश (1) 09.01 पशुधन की बुकिंग (1) 09.01. Booking of Dog/ Booking of small birds / Animals (1) 09.02 यात्री के साथ बिना बुक कुत्ता (1) 09.03 छोटे पशु-पक्षियों की बुकिंग (1) 09.03. Booking of live Poultry/ Booking of Chicks (1) 09.04 जीवित मुर्गियों की बुकिंग (1) 09.04. Booking of Sheep/Goats / Pig and Calves (1) 10.01 पार्सल एव पार्सल प्रभार के स्केल /वजन एवं परिमाप (1) 10.01. Parcel scales. (1) 10.02. Maximum weights and dimension for acceptance and parcels. (1) 10.03. Booking of bulky Articles/ Articles not accepted/ Parcel Way Bill (1) 10.04 स्थूल वस्तुओं की बुकिंग (1) 10.05 पार्सल में अस्वीकृत वस्तुए (1) 10.05. Booking of corpses/ Human Skelton parts of Human body/ Human Ashes. (1) 10.06 पार्सल मार्ग पत्र (1) 10.06. Booking of Motorcars (1) 10.07. Booking of Treasure (1) 10.08. Parcel summery. (1) 10.09 Loading/Unloading of Parcels. (1) 10.11. Punitive charges saved on over loading in coaching vehicles. (1) 10.12 मानव लाश / मानव कंकाल की बुकिंग (1) 10.12. Percentage charges on Excess value. (1) 10.13 मानव शरीर के अंगो का बुकिंग (1) 10.13. Delivery of parcels/ Memo delivery/ open and Assessment Delivery/ Partial Delivery/ Value payable system (1) 10.14 मानव भस्म की बुकिंग (1) 10.14. Indemnity Bonds (1) 10.15 वाहन / मोटरकार की बुकिंग (1) 10.16 खजाने की बुकिंग (1) 10.18 पार्सल सारांश / पार्सलो का लदान एवं उतरान (1) 10.22 कोचिंग वाहनों / वैगनो में अधिक पार्सल लदान करने पर जुर्माना (1) 10.23 अतिरित्क मूल्य पर प्रतिशत प्रभार (1) 10.24 पार्सल की सुपुर्दगी एवं पार्सल सुपुर्दगी के प्रकार (1) 10.31 क्षतिपूर्ति पत्र के प्रकार (1) 10.32 मार्ग परिवर्तन (1) 10.33 खोया सामान (1) 10.34 व्यापक रूप से पार्सल को पट्टे देने संबंधी नीति (1) 11.01 स्थान शुल्क / नियम /स्टेशनो का वर्गीकरण / समय छूट एवं दर (1) 11.01. Wharfage Charges/General Rules. (1) 11.02. Free time. (1) 11.03. Rules of whafage charges/Rates of Wharfage charges on Motorcycles and Scooter/ Birds and Animals/ Wharfage charges on delayed consignments. (1) 11.04 B and C. List of stations covered under group A (1) 12.01 विलंब शुल्क / सामान्य नियम एवं समय छूट (1) 12.03.Free time (1) 15.05. Station Balance sheets. (1) 15.06. Parcel cash book (1) 15.07. Particulars / Description of coaching Traffic (1) 16.01. Abbreviation (1) 17.01 रेल यातायात (1) 17.02 स्टेशन (1) 17.03 शहरी बुकिंग कार्यालय (1) 17.04 शहरी बुकिंग एजेंसी (1) 17.05 बाहरी एजेंसी (1) 17.06 साइडिंग (1) 17.07 वैगन पर पाई जाने वाली महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी (1) 17.08 कार्य तथा व्यापार का समय (1) 17.09 रोक तथा प्रतिबन्ध (1) 18.01 अग्रेषण पत्र - महत्त्व एवं प्रकार (1) 18.02 वागन पंजीकरण शुल्क दर / जब्त एवं वापसी की परिस्तिथिया (1) 18.03 अधिमान्य यातायात आदेश (PTO) (1) 18.04 पंजीकृत मांग पत्र में परिवर्तन (1) 18.05 वैगनो की पुर्ति एवं आवंटन (1) 18.06 माल की गलत घोषणा (1) 18.07 पैकिंग / लबेलिंग एवं मार्किंग (1) 18.08 माल की तुलाई/ इलेक्ट्रॉनिक इन मोशन वे ब्रिज (1) 18.09 माल यातायात के लिए मार्ग निशचित करना (1) 18.10 माल यातायात के दर (1) 18.11 अवर्गीकृत माल (1) 18.12 वैगन भार प्रेषण की बुकिंग (1) 18.13 गाडी भार प्रेषण की बुकिंग (Train Load Consignment) (1) 19.01 पशुधन की बुकिंग (1) 19.02 निषिद्ध एवं नशीला माल (1) 19.03 खतरनाक एवं विस्फोटक माल की बुकिंग (1) 19.04 बदबूदार माल (1) 19.05 रेल सामग्री की बुकिंग (1) 19.06 मिलिटरी यातायात (1) 20.01 लदान रजिस्टर (Loading Register) (1) 20.02 लदान की सावधानियाँ (Loading Precautions) (1) 20.03 वर्षा ऋतू में लदान सावधानियाँ (1) 20.04 रिविट / ताला लगाना / सील (1) 21.01 उतरान रजिस्टर (1) 21.02 आवक इनवाइट की जाँच (Checking of inward invoice) (1) 21.03 माल की पुनः तुलाई (Re-Weighment of Goods) (1) 21.04 क्षति कमी पोस्ट कार्ड (Damage Deficiency Post Card) (1) 21.05 क्षति कमी संदेश (DD MESSAGE) (1) 21.06 वैगन स्थानांतरण रजिस्टर (1) 22.02 सुपुर्दगी किताब (Delivery Book) (1) 22.03 कपटपूर्ण सुपुर्दगी रोकने के उपाय (Measures to prevent Fraudulent delivery) (1) 22.04 आंशिक सुपुर्दगी (1) 22.05 खुली सुपुर्दगी और निधारर्ण सुपुर्दगी (Open Delivery & Assessment Delivery) (1) 22.06 मेमो सुपुर्दगी (Memo delivery) (1) 22.07 मूल्य देय पद्धती (Value Payable System (VPS) (1) 22.08 रेल अधिनियम धारा 77 (1) 22.09 माल की दुबारा बुकिंग (Re-booking of goods) (1) 22.10 मार्ग परिवर्तन (Diversion) (1) 22.11 गेट पास (Gate Pass) (1) 23.01 विलंब शुल्क - परिभाषा एवं सामान्य नियम (1) 23.02 लदान / उतरान के लिए समय छूट (घंटो में) (1) 23.03 स्थान शुल्क - परिभाषा एवं समान्य नियम (1) 23.04 समय छूट (1) 23.05 स्थान शुल्क के दर (1) 24.01 क्रेन प्रभार (Crane Charge) (1) 24.02 क्रेन कर्षण प्रभार (Crane Haulage Charge) (1) 25.01 ज्यादा माल (Excess Goods) (1) 25.02 असंबंधित माल (Unconnected Goods) (1) 25.03 अदावी माल (Unclaimed goods) (1) 25.04 आम नीलामी (Public Auction) (1) 26.01 साप्ताहिक वस्तुसूचि (Weekly inventory) (1) 26.02 भुकतान के तरीके (Modes of Payment) (1) 26.03 केवल वजन पदधति (Weight only System) (1) 26.04 क्रेडिट नोट कम चेक (Credit Note Cum cheque) (1) 27.01 वाहक और जमानतार के रूप में रेलवे के जिम्मेदारी (रेल अधिनियम की धरा 93 से 106) (1) 28.01 दावा की परिभाषा और नुकसान (1) 28.02 दावा के कारण (1) 28.03 दावा निवारण हेतु उठाये गए कदम (1) 28.04 गौण दावो का निपटारा (1) 28.05 डिस रिपोर्ट (1) 28.06 रेल दावा अधिकरण (Railway Claims Tribunal - RCT) (1) 28.07 रेल दर अधिकरण (1) 29.01 विपणन एवं विक्रय (उदेश्य और कार्य) (1) 29.02 रेल यातायात अन्य परिवहन सेवाओ की ओर आकर्षित होने के कारण (1) 29.03 रेल द्वारा विपणन के क्षेत्र में उठाए गए कदम (1) 29.04 भाड़ा विपणन के क्षेत्र में उठाए गए कदम (1) 29.05 यातायात उत्पाद (1) 29.06 इंजन ऑन लोड (Engine on load scheme) (1) 29.07 टर्मिनल इंसेंटिव कम इंजन ऑन लोड स्कीम (1) 29.08 मालभाड़ा परिचालन सुचना प्रणाली (FOIS-frieght operations information system) (1) 29.10 प्राइवेट फ्रेट टर्मिनल (1) 29.11 रेल साइड वेयर हाउसिंग योजना (Rail Side Warehousing Scheme) (1) 29.12 टर्मिनल विकास योजना Terminal Development Scheme (1) 29.13 स्पेशल फ्रेट ट्रेन ऑपरेटर योजना (SFTO) (1) 29.14 ऑटो मोबाइल फ्रेट ऑपरेटर योजना AFTO (1) 29.15 ऑटोमोबाइल और सहायक हब का विकास पर नीति (1) 29.16 समर्प्रित भाड़ा गलियारा (1) 29.17 वैगन को पट्टे पर देने हेतु योजना (1) 29.20 रेशनलाईजेशन स्कीम (1) 29.23 पार्सल प्रबंधन प्रणाली PMS - Parcel Management System (1) 29.24 व्यापक रूप से पार्सल को पट्टे पर देने संबंधी नीति (सी.पी.एल.पी) (1) 30.02 मशीन निर्मित सार विवरण (MPA) (1) 30.03 स्टेशन बकाया तथा उसका निपटारा (1) 30.04 अभिप्रभार और अवप्रभार तथा उनका निपटरा (1) 30.05 माल तुलन पत्र (1) 30.06 माल यातायात की विविध विवरणिया (1) 30.07 माल रोकंड पुस्तक (1) 4.022 क्षेत्रीय फिल्म उद्योग के टेकनिशयनो को रियायत (1) ATVM (1) Abbreviations (1) Accident Site. (1) Articles carried free by Railway (1) Automatic Ticket Vending Machines (1) Battery Operated Car (1) Bed Rolls & E-Bedroll (1) Booking of Registered Newspapers and Magazines (1) Booking/ Reservation of Coach (1) Break Journey Rules (1) CONCOR (1) CPA (1) Cancellation of I-Tickets (1) Cancellation of Tickets (1) Change in Reservation (1) Change in the name of Passengers (1) Check Soldier Ticket (1) Circular Journey Ticket (1) Cloak Room & Lockers Ticket (1) Commercial Officers (1) Committees (1) Complaints Reasons (1) Computer Reservation System (1) Computerised Reserved Ticket (1) Computerized Coaching Refund System (CCRS) (1) Consumer Protection Act (1) Container Corporation of India Limited (1) Container Service (1) Customer care and Satisfaction (1) DFC (1) Daily Trains cash book (1) Death and injury (1) Dedicated Freight Corridor (1) Delivery of Goods (1) Disaster Management & Golden Hour (1) Disposal of Collected Tickets (1) Duties (1) ECRC (1) Ex- Gratia payment (1) Facilities to Foreign Tourists (1) Facilities to Higher (1) Facilities to Lady Passengers (1) Facilities to MP (1) Facilities to Tourists (1) Fire Fighting and First Aid (1) First Aid Boxes (1) Flexi Fare System (1) Forwarding Note (1) G - 01.01. DEFINATIONS. (1) G. 02.10. Weighment of Goods (1) G. 02.15. Rating of Goods traffic - (1) G. 02.17. Rates of Wagon Registration Fee (1) G.01.02. Siding (1) G.01.03. Bans (1) G.01.04. Restrictions (1) G.01.05. Busy Season Lean Season (1) G.01.06.Surcharges (1) G.02.01. Booking of Goods (1) G.02.02. Wagon Registration Fees – WRF (1) G.02.03. e-RD:-Electronically registration for demand of wagon. (1) G.02.04. Money Receipt (MR) (1) G.02.05. Preferential Traffic Order (PTO) (1) G.02.06. Change in registered Indents/ Supply of Wagons Allotment of Wagons (1) G.02.07. Acceptance and Examination of Goods (1) G.02.08. Misdecleartion of Goods (1) G.02.09. Packing /Labeling and Marking (PLM) (1) G.02.11. Sender’s Weight Accepted (SWA) (1) G.02.12. Weighment on weighing machine enroute (1) G.02.13. Electronic In -motion-way-bridge (1) G.02.14. Routing of Goods Traffic (1) G.02.16. Unclassified Goods (1) G.02.18. Train Load Consignment & General Rules (1) G.02.19. Issue of Invoice Number in Goods Traffic (1) G.03.01. Booking of Live Stock (1) G.03.02. Contraband goods and intoxicating goods Contraband goods (1) G.03.03. Booking of Dangerous and Explosive Goods (1) G.03.04. Booking of Railway Material consignment (RMC) (1) G.03.05. Offensive Goods (1) G.03.06. Military Traffic (1) G.04.01. Loading of Goods (1) G.04.02. Loading precautions (1) G.04.03. Rivitting Locking Sealing (1) G.05.01. Unloading of goods (1) G.05.02. Damages and deficiency post card (PPDD) (1) G.05.03. Damage and deficiency Message (DD Message) (1) G.06.02. Delivery book (1) G.06.03. Partial Delivery (1) G.06.04. Open Delivery and Assessment Delivery (1) G.06.05. Open Delivery (1) G.06.06. Assessment Delivery (1) G.06.07. Memo Delivery (1) G.06.08. Value Payable System - VPS (1) G.07.01. Demurrage Charges: (1) G.07.02. General Rules (1) G.08.01. Wharfage Charges (1) G.08.03. Station groups (1) G.08.04. Free time (1) G.08.05. Wharfage rate (1) G.09.01. Crane Charges (1) G.09.02. Crane Haulage Charges (1) G.10.01. Excess Unconnected and unclaimed Goods Public Auction (1) G.10.02. Punitive Charge for loading excess goods: - (1) G.10.03. Unconnected Goods (1) G.10.04. Reasons for Goods being Unconnected (1) G.10.05. Disposal of Unconnected Goods:- (1) G.10.06. Parcel Consignment (1) G.10.07. Unclaimed Goods. (1) G.10.08. Public Auction (1) G.11.01. MISCELLANCEOUS - Weekly Inventory (1) G.11.02. Modes of payment (1) G.11.03. Weight only System. (1) G.11.06. Credit Note cum Cheque (CNCC ) (1) G.11.07. E-Payment- (1) G.12.01. Responsibility of Railways as Common Carrier and Bailee. (1) G.13.01. Claims and Claims Prevention (1) G.13.02. Claims preventive measures (1) G.13.03. Departments involved in elimination of claims and their role (1) G.13.04. Monetary Powers for settlement of claims. (1) G.13.05. Procedure for settlement of minor claims. (1) G.13.06. Settlement report of minor claims (1) G.13.07. Not Received Cell (NR Cell) (1) G.13.08. Dis-report / Railway Claims Tribunal (RCT). (1) G.13.09. Railway Rates Tribunal (RRT) (1) G.14.01. Marketing and Sales Organization (1) G.14.02. Steps taken in the field of Marketing. (1) G.14.03. Freight Marketing Schemes (1) G.14.04. Liberalized Automatic Freight rebate scheme (1) G.14.05. Incentive Scheme for Freight Forwarders (1) G.14.06. Incentive Scheme for Loading Bagged Consignments in Open and Flat wagons (1) G.14.07. Transportation Product (1) G.14.08. Engine On Load Scheme (EOL) (1) G.14.09. Freight Operation Information System (FOIS) (1) G.14.11. Private Freight Terminal (1) G.14.12. RAIL SIDE WAREHOUSING SCHEME:– (1) G.14.13. Terminal Development Scheme (TDS) (1) G.14.15. Automobile Freight Train Operation Scheme(AFTO) (1) G.14.16. Policy on Development of Automobile and Ancillary hub (1) G.14.17. Booking of Automobile Traffic carried in NMG BCACM & BCCNR WAGONS (1) G.14.19. Liberalized Wagons Investment Scheme (LWIS) (1) G.14.20. wagon Leasing Scheme (WLS) (1) G.14.25. Container Rail Terminal (CRT) (1) G.14.27. Parcel Management System (1) G.14.28.Comprehensive Parcel leasing Policy (1) G.15.01. Traffic Accounts- Goods Traffic (1) G.15.02. Goods Cash Book (1) G.15.03. Goods Delivery Book (1) G.15.04. Machine prepared Abstract (1) G.15.06.Under charges and Over charges (1) G.15.07. Goods balance sheet (1) G.15.08. Goods Returns (1) General Rules for Concessions (1) Group reservation (1) Guard Certificate (1) Hand Held Terminal (1) Humsafar Express (1) I-ticketing/ E-Ticketing system (1) ITES (1) IVRS (1) Important Sections of Railway Act 1989/ Cognizable and Noncognizable sections (1) Index (1) Integrated Train Enquiry System (1) Interactive Voice Response System (1) IzzatPass (1) Jan Shatabdi Express (1) Journey Extension Ticket (1) Journey Tickets (1) Liabilities of Railway (1) License Porter (1) Luggage Ticket (1) M.L.A / M.L.C. (1) MP Identity Card (1) MVT (1) Market Vendor Ticket (1) Merry -Go-Round System. MGR (1) Military Certificate (1) Military Concession Voucher (1) Minimum fare / Inflated distance / Rounding off the fare / Telescopic Fare (1) Misdeclaration of parcels (1) Mobile Paperless Ticket & Paper Ticke (1) Monetary powers (1) Mumbai Suburban section (1) NTES (1) National Train Enquiry System (1) Objective functions (1) POET (1) PVT (1) Passenger Operated Enquiry Terminal (1) Passenger Profile Management System (1) Passenger classifications (1) Passengers (1) Platform Ticket & Permit / Pass (1) Policy on private siding (1) Premium Tatkal (PT) (1) Private Cash (1) Produce Vendor ticket (1) Public relation (1) RAC (1) RORO (1) RTI (Right to Information 2005) (1) Rail Travel Coupons (R.T.C.) (1) Railway Act (1) Refund of Previous day (ROPD) (1) Refund on Warrants (1) Reservation Chart (1) Reservation Office (1) Reservation against Cancellation (RAC) (1) Reserved Coach (1) Reserved Train (1) Retiring Room Ticket (1) Returns (1) Roll on Roll Of Scheme (1) Rounding Off of Fare (1) Rules & Procedure (1) Rules for change in reservation or railway privilege pass (1) STBA (1) Season Ticket (1) Short Notes (1) Soldier Ticket (1) Special Freight Train Operation Scheme (SFTO) (1) Station Balance sheets. (1) Station Ticket Booking Agent (1) Suggestion book (1) Supplementary charge Ticket (1) Suvudha Trains (1) Syllabus (1) TSBE (1) Tejas Express (1) Telescopic Fare (1) Theft in train (1) Ticket - Definition (1) Ticket Can (1) Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) (1) Ticket Indents (1) Ticket checking stations (1) Tickets (1) Tickets booked through internet (1) Tickets checking (1) Touch Screen Based Enquiry (1) Tourist Ticket (1) Transfer of Reservation Tickets (1) Traveling Ticket Examiner (TTE) (1) Tticket Collector (TC) (1) Types of Concessions (1) Types of Irregular Travel & Action (1) Types of Nippers. (1) Types of checks (1) Uday Express (1) Unreserved Ticket (1) Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS) (1) Unused Reserved Ticket (1) Upgradation of Class of Passengers (1) Vigilance Angle (1) Vigilance Organization (1) Wait List Ticket (1) Waiting List (1) Waiting Room/ retiring Room (1) Wharfage Charges/General Rules. (1) YTSK (1) Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendra (1) Yuva Trains (1) e t (1) g.15.05. Station outstanding & Its clearances (1) i -ticket & e-ticket (1) jtbs (1) modes of complaint. (1) redressal Complaints (1) बीजक प्रतियां लेखा कार्यलय को भेजना (1) माल सुपुर्दगी पुस्तक (1) रियायत के सामान्य नियम (1)