Rating of Goods traffic -
IRCA Goods Tariff No. 41, P-I, V-I, Rule No. 176 & IRCM V-II, Para No. 1437
Following rates are applicable in goods traffic -
1. Class Rate
2. Lumpsum Rate
3. Wagon per km rate.
4. Station to station Rates (STS)
1. Class Rate –
IRCA Goods Tariff No. 48, P-I, Vol-II (General Classification)
IRCA Goods Tariff No. 48, P-II (Freight Rate Table)
Different types of commodities are transported by Indian Railways. If each commodity is charged at different rate, rating will be very difficult. Hence groups of commodities with similar nature have been clubbed and each group has been given a Main Head. Each main head has been allotted a specific number, which is known as Class Rate.
Class fixed for each commodity, is given in ‘General Classification of Goods’ and rate per tonne fixed on the basis of class and distance is given in Goods Rate Table.
Following factors are considered at the time of fixing class rate of a commodity.
i. Cost of Service.
ii. Cost of Transportation.
iii. Load ability of the commodity in a wagon.
iv. Susceptibility of that commodity to claims
v. Nature of the commodity
vi. Rates of Road transportation for that commodity.
Total 16+ 2 special Class rates have been prescribed in Goods Traffic, of which LR3 in the lowest and 200 is the highest rate. All the commodities have been classified into 25 Main heads, i.e. 22 Main Heads for Normal commodities and 3 Divisions for Low Rated commodities. Class rate of a commodity is fixed by Commercial Committee of Indian Railway Conference Association with permission of Railway board.
3. Lumpsum Rates: - These rates are fixed by Railway board for specific services. Benefit of these rates is given on fulfillment of specific conditions, otherwise freight will be charged on normal Class Rate. E.g. Rates for Freight Forwarder Scheme and Merry- Go-Round.
4. Wagon Per Kilometer Rates: - Irrespective of the goods loaded in the wagon, freight is charged on rate per km. basis. E.g. Haulage rates of Container Traffic
5. Station to station rates (STS):-
1. Objective:
i. To garner the more traffic from road and other modes.
ii. To compete with road transport.
2. Definition: Station-to-station rate is a special reduced rate quoted for a particular commodity between the specific pairs of stations.
3. Existing and new traffic will be eligible to obtain concession under this scheme.
4. The concession under STS shall be applicable to the cluster of stations also.
5. The concession under STS shall be after crossing the benchmark.
6. The concession under STS shall be given from the next rake after the Benchmark NTKM has been crossed.
7. Permitted Terminals: All terminals (Goodsshed, Warehouse, Siding, ports, CRTs, PFTs etc.)
8. Restricted commodities:-
i. All commodities with classification below Class-100.
ii. All commodities under the Main Commodity head “Coal and coke”.
iii. Iron ores (all types)
iv. Military traffic, POL, RMC.
9. The concession under STS shall be given only after execution of agreement between the railway administration and party.
10. Agreement period: Maximum = 3 years, minimum = 1 year, new agreements shall be sign every year.
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