Mis-declaration of Goods
(IRCA Goods Tariff No 41 P-1 V-1 Rule No 126)
Section 66 of Railway Act –
According to this section the consignor should correctly declare the name of goods on Forwarding Note, so that freight can be charged by the correct class rate at the time of booking. If consignor is not in a position to declare the correct name of goods, such goods will be treated as unclassified goods and freight will be charged according to type of wagon.
Reasons of Mis-declaration of goods.
1. To get benefit of low rates.
2. To book goods on which ban have been imposed Due to mis-declaration, Railways loses revenue and banned goods may be booked, so Goods should be checked regularly at Destination station.
Section 163 of Railway Act - According to this section, in case of booking of banned goods or frequent mis-declaration of goods, a penalty at the rate ₹., 500 per quintal or part thereof may be imposed.
Section 102 (a) of Railway Act - According to this section, Railway administration will not be responsible for damage of mis-declared goods during transit.
Penal Charge to be collected in case of Mis-declaration –
1. If mis-declaration is detected at destination station there by obtaining a lower rate, penal charges will be collected at four times of applicable rates by the route shown in the invoice.
2. If in a consignment, packages are chargeable at different rates and group of packages is found misdeclared, there by obtaining a lower rate, penalty will be charged at four times of the rate applicable to that particular group. Penalty will be charged only on the misdeclared group of packages.
3. If a consignment loaded in container is mis-declared there by obtaining a lower rate, penalty will be charged at four times of the applicable haulage rates.
4. In case restricted goods are found loaded and booked, in containers penalty will be charged at four times of the highest haulage rates.
a) Penal charge will be in addition to the freight already collected.
b) If rule No (3) & (4) both are applicable penalty will be charged as per rule No-(4).
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